Thursday 3 May 2012

Evaluation Q1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms or convention's of 'real media' products ?
My media product challenges the conventions of many real media products as if differes from other local newspapers as it is slightly more stylised than local newspapers in the way that it's stories can be compared to 'the sun' with celebritised stories. Although I have stuck to the stereotypical compostion of the newspaper as all of the research deconstructions I used seemed to have the same format. for example: I wanted my masthead to be easily memorable as a logo rather than text.

By acheiving  this simple masthead I feel like if my product was to be produced in the 'real world' it would stand out and be recognisable like larger newspapers (the sunderland echo's masthead ^). Other parts of my newspaper shows the conventional narrative types that are always on newspapers like the stereotypical sub stories and advertisments, showing feature stories to widen the interests and appeal to a bigger target audience.
Although I have went into more detail with my feature stories than the 'real journal newspaper' I feel like it was relavent as I took a risk when changeing (challenging) the theme and narrative of a conventional newspaper, By having strongly edited images and entertainment rather than usual town news. The second page leans more to the Local newspaper stereotype as its a story about saving the local church this can be compared with Christopher Vogler's the hero's journey.

I can apply this theory to my work as the story has the same characteristics as Cristopher's Vogler's hero journey as it starts out with call to adventure which is when the hero is faced with a problem or challenge in my work this would te public as a group trying to save the church, then other conventions of this theory is meeting the mentor, ordeal etc. this is where they would plan the matter ahead then the ordeal of the problems the public may face trying to save the church before returning to the elixir which is a form of acomplishment, normaily and equilibrium.

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