Wednesday 2 May 2012

Target Audience

What conventions do you plan to keep regarding the visual construction of your text, main images of print work, sub-images, the title, font-use, textual elements (choice of lexis) and colour palette? Do you plan to change any of these? If so why, and how will they appeal to the target audience?  Where you are referring to how your text is going to be similar/dissimilar to other texts of the same genre please refer to specific examples & styles.
When taking my main images I plan to stick to original conventions like a bold title which will be in the largest text on the page, I will use a thick simple font as i will edit the masthead to have outer glow's ad drop shadows on photoshop, also some font's can be hard to read and some may give off the wrong impression to the audience e.g. the Daily express has a curled sophisticated font and is associated with more intellectual reading and audience for an older target audience, where as the sun is bold clear and plain   , targeted at a bigger audience as an easily readable newspaper. Again my main image will be to the right side of my front cover and covering most of the top half of the second page, this is quite regularly used on the local newspapers I have used for my deconstructions, this seems to work well with the public as the centre images is easily seen as the main story etc. My colour palette I can compare with my AS coursework as I will use the same technique as my music magazine which is to stick with a maximum of three main colours so my magazine looks professional and not too distracting with a lot of colours.
How would your product likely be produced and distributed if it were to be produced for sale or distribution in the ‘real world’? How do you know that this text fits a place/niche in the market that would sell to and who produces/distributes similar texts…which texts, to whom [target audience] and with what success?
If my product (newspaper) was to be produced and distributed in the real world I think it would be produced as an easily  entertainment sort of read newspaper that would be popular and distributed locally around the north east. Entertainment meaning it would be less of an political news and more reality town people's stories. I think that there is a place/niche or my newspaper and a similar text i can compare it too is the more regional newspaper 'the sun' as it seems to be a mixture as reality and less political views and stories. My stereotypical target audience would be 20 years - 45 year olds as I think there interested to read about stories they can relate to, as for the older generations I think they'd be less interested in the news I would be producing. 
Who is the target audience of your text? Try to be as specific as possible in terms of demographic information: gender, ages, characteristic behaviours regarding shopping, media consumption, social and entertainment habits, market segmentation, socio economic category etc. You should be able to characterise them in terms of these behaviours ?
The target audience for my newspaper is quite open ranging from 20 - 45 years I think that it will sway more towards the females as it will be a lot of reality reading and stories about day to day life, and a lot like a magazine with infomation on tv and celebrities etc. The audience again dosent have to be of a certain grouping as the newspaper ranges from many genres.  
What is going to make them watch/purchase/return to it?
The thing that is going to make the audience purchase my product firstly is that I will be creating a newspaper that caters for many different types on interests and genre's. The front cover will be filled with feature stories, advertiments and sell lines so that the newspaper can suit different peoples interestes within my chosen target audience.

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