Wednesday 7 March 2012

The Journal deconstruction

 The image positioned on the top half of the page, this is effective as apart from the masthead and the framing of the news paper the picture is the onlyI think that the front cover of the Jorunal's newspaper is very well constructed in the way that the framing is clearly outlined with the top and bottom bar thats also used for text which is a good idea as the writing then has to be large and bold catching the readers attention easily. I like the structure of the page haveing the main  thing the audicence has to focus on is the image which advertise's the main feature story of the newspaper. The blue lion like icon that comes after the masthead I like I think it is a good idea as it acts as an advertisment for the newspaper a the icon can be used on various posters etc. and readers would know that it was the Journal's newspaper. The idea I get from this is to create a realisticly recognisable logo to the local audience. For my front cover of my newspaper I want a seperate section on the bottom half of the page for a different story which seems just as interesting and has as much importance as the main story. Although this paper seems to have two stories I think it could be confusing and missleading to the reader as to at a quick first glance it would be hard to tell whuch headlines match the which story. Again I want to use the right section of the page for smaller stories or a similar type of section for advertisments etc. this will be effective as it will make my newspaper more realistic as this seems to be a more noticeable convention with the newspapers front covers. The colour theme of this newspaper works well as its simple but adds enough colour to the paper so it dosent look dull and uninteresting.

The second page of the news paper is very stereotypical for the second page as it has one long section that takes up the full length of the page, which is used for a type of contents page aswell as advertisments, I dont want to use this convention but I still want to section the page which will appeal to a bigger target audience.  The top half of the page I get ideas from I like the way the full story takes up half of the page with a big enough image but a good amount of text without having to carry the story onto another page. I like the idea of having a weather advertisement although I think it would be more time effective to have some other advertisement at the bottom half of the page as it would be difficult to acheive a cartoon like weather picture. Although the weather section of the newspaper is apparent in every newspaper printed therefore I think that it should match the theme colour of the newspaper which is red that way it will seem more proffesional and as if a more reliable source. Although I think I will use the bottom half of this page and replace the weather report with more advertisements for my own newspaper.

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